Ryan and Laura`s Renissance Wedding

Description: Ryan and Laura`s Renissance Wedding
Data Last Updated: 2003-12-01 17:23:00.0
Name: Ryan and Laura`s Renissance Wedding
When: 2003/10/25
Comments: Ryan and Laurs had their wedding at the castle Avalon in full rennisance style. Buffy and I filmed it and I edited it all together for a DVD. Most of the pics here are from the DVD.
Page of 1 items per page

21 pics are linked to this object.
2003-10-25 The bar maids (140 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 Lady Buffy the Fluffy (143 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 David and his wife (145 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 The fire dancers in costume (159 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 The fire dancers in action (91 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 Hawk (139 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 Jean (139 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 Kenneth and his wife (135 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 Laura in costume (109 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 Mary and Joe (132 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 Me in my wizard outfit (133 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 Buffy setting up for the wedding (208 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 The wedding area (204 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 A view of the side of the castle where the weddings are performed. (163 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 Cedric (165 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 Ryan in costume (105 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 Stephine joins in (111 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 Steve Ryan`s best man (145 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-10-25 Trey and his wife (145 kb) Edit it Updated 12-01-03 (12-01-03)
2003-6-18 Wizard costume without neck piece (329 kb) Edit it Updated 04-28-09 (04-28-09)
2003-6-18 Wizard costume with neck piece (309 kb) Edit it Updated 04-28-09 (04-28-09)
This site maintained by David Abigt