My thoughts

Below are just my thoughts on things. Obviously this will be a work in progress.


My thoughts on how to survive rush hour in Austin Updated 08-17-14 (08-17-14)

Computer Problems

I've got a blank screen what do I do? Updated 08-03-14 (08-03-14)


My thoughts about online dating Updated 08-17-14 (08-17-14)

I was just thinking

My favorite shows, books etc.? Updated 08-03-14 (08-03-14)
My favorite quotes? Updated 08-03-14 (08-03-14)
Half a glass of water? Updated 08-03-14 (08-03-14)
Aztek versus Montero Updated 08-03-14 (08-03-14)


What my tivo has to say Updated 05-29-03 (05-29-03)

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